
Cosmopolite idea... an old utopia


What is the basic idea developed in the book?

Before you start to read the book I would introduce you to the five basic rules that if respected could allow the people and the countries to live in peace with each other:

  • Human rights respect – this is a basic rule for any civil society and is very important. Human rights and human dignity are very basic roles but very important if your desire is to live in a civil society.
  • Respect for the minorities – there are today over 190 countries represented in the United Nations but there are much more people on the Earth today. People move today… the World is getting smaller… and there are less and less “ethnic clean” countries. In every single country we find minorities. Every country to be a better place for living needs energy from each of its inhabitants. This means that only if you are able to catalyze the energy of every single person you can make your country being a nice place to live. This is the main reason way minorities are so important today. If the minorities are not respected you can easily create a hostile environment that is a pre condition for the future conflicts.
  • Democracy system – there are no perfect political systems and also democracy is not a perfect system especially if people do not believe that they are responsible and that they can influence with a single vote the order of the country they live in. If people continue to work on them selves and continue to improve their knowledge over time with objective of being responsible citizens than the democracy can create the satisfaction to larger group of people in a society. Nationalisms combined with dogma creates poor democratic systems or systems that only formally can be called democratic. Another element that was important in my analysis is that historically there were no wars between democratic countries. If this continue to be true this will mean that more “qualitative” democratic countries we have in the World less wars we should expect.
  • Free market economy – for living every person needs to work and unfortunately many people do not have the possibility to do what they would like to do. You can not survive honestly on Earth if you do not work. This was the situation throughout the whole mankind history. What free economy could add? The opportunity… With free economy there are more opportunities for people thus more people can realize them selves and be happy. Free market economy also means that the Bankers and the Entrepreneurs should have the attitude and the values comparable to those told in the legend of King Arthur and the financial crisis faced over the past years would have been avoided. They should have that attitude and honour and do their best to guarantee that people trust in the system and that people feel safe and live with honour and dignity from their own work.
  • Separation of religions from the government – is another important pillar. When many different people with different backgrounds lives in a society than the way to obtain the energy of every person is to leave the religion differences as something private to each individual. An old American Indian once said:”…Earthly things may be argued with men, but we never argue over God…”.